You're right to want to prevent panic. Were there undeclared dairy protein or lactose in something widely consumed, that would be grounds for some degree of panic.

Those of us with lifethreatening or severe reactions walk around on a day-to-day basis swinging from some degree of self-delusional calm to some degree of unfounded or well-founded panic. It's the nature of the territory.

And when something like this hits, and there's an accompnying stealthy roll-out plan, it flips me out, if only for a little while. Nothing to do with a real assessment of increased risk, just a reminder of the fragility of my and my son's daily existence.

We'll probably be fine, thanks to forums like this one. And if we're at any real risk, I trust we'll hear about it.

Either way, we carry our EpiPens and try to beat the beastly fear back into its cave...

...until somebody else goes and messes with the food chain.

