ABEBOOKS.COM has about 40 copies of this, ranging from $16 to $250 in various conditions; there was a 2nd edition about 1880, and some photographer named Whitehouse or Whitehead or something came out with a picture book of the same title in the 1970's or so, which is also available from ABEBOOKS.  BTW, ABESBOOKS.COM is not the same as ABEBOOKS.  ABES carries, shall we say, educational works generally related to anatomy. 
The 1868 book sounds quite interesting from the ABEs descriptions, with stuff on the Lincoln assassination, the Vanderbilts, newspapers, prostitution (so ABES may carry the 1868 version, too, I suppose), where in NY to go and where to avoid, etc. 
Tell us more, Ruth!
PS-- The Old (and current) NY City Hall got a refacing c. 1950.  Because the City was never going to spread any father north (uptown) than City Hall, it was built c. 1812 with a brownstone rear elevation and marble front and sides.  At the moment I don't remember whether they maintained this when it was refaced or not, but everybody else will know.
Update: AIA Guide to NY says I was wrong about Trinity Church being across from the WTC (that's St. Paul's Chapel [which I think is a chapel of Trinity Church, so maybe I wasn't entirely wrong).  City Hall (1811) was refaced in 1959 with Alabama limestone because the original Massachusetts marble had deteriorated; the brownstone on the rear was used to save money, but it doesn't say whether the back was redone in brownstone, or limestone.  From seeing it, I THINK (but am not certain) that it was all refaced with limestone.  This treatment was later validated by the Wm. J Conklin theory of good historic preservation practice, which allows one to claim that what the original architect would have done if he could have constitutes restoration, as long as the architect for the restoration likes it better that way.