Ok, now for my kids system! :)

I am trying a new motherboard brand: an ECS K7S5A Pro Rev 5.0. It has the option of SDRAM PC133 or DDR. I have 128 MB SDRAM. I was attempting first with a 650 MHz Duron.

All connections and jumpers have been checked and rechecked, but when I power up, no display is received whatsoever. No floppy drive seek or LED. No HD action (by ear or LED). Only the power LED lights up on front. Reset button does not respond to anything.

I backed up, by pulling power and data connections to all drives and attempted to see if I can at least get some BIOS to the screen. Nope! Notta! Zilch!

There are NO LEDs on this MB so I cannot get any clues there. I do not get any diagnostic beeps either.

My guess at this point is the CPU is dead. I got it free from a colleague at work and therefore I have no idea of its true state. I have not seen it in action on any other system.

I am reluctant to put my Athlon 1.2 GHz in there as a test. Would there be any harm in doing that? Of course, I gotta be careful with the sink/fan/grease in moving it. I just do not have a ready supply of CPUs to test with.

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