Alan Jones <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I got my butcher to grind up my suet, which saved me a lot of work and made
>the rendering go much faster.  Don mentioned that it takes hours to
>render; it depends on how much you're rendering.  In my first pemmican
>experiment I only rendered about a pound of suet at a time, and using very
>low heat I'd guess it took 15-20 minutes to render.

I'm using a large teflon frying pan on low heat. It takes more or less a
half hour.

>I'm not sure if rendering twice is necessary, unless you're really
>concerned about it keeping a long time.  I'm also keeping mine in the
>fridge, don't know if I need to.

I render only once. Today I ate rendered suet with pig heart fried in lard.

I had made the suet about 9 months ago. I found it in a glass jar stored in
a closet. It looked and smelled just fine. I don't like suet when its
liquid. I like it when it's hard. It's like chewing a candle.
