
Many, many things can cause the problem you describe.  The easiest way to
fix it is to install the latest version of your web browser [Internet
Explorer or Netscape, etc.]  That should fix it, but if it doesn't check
your font settings and your color settings [white text on a white
background won't show up and a bad default font can leave a blank screen.]
and lastly install the latest version of Acrobat Reader [Version 6]
available for free from the Adobe website [www.adobe.com]. Also download
and install all devices requested by graphically intensive web sites such
as "Shockwave," "Flash," etc.  If you don't ,some sites may not work in the

Hope this helps.

John D.

At 07:24 PM 8/18/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>someone please help me!  Most web pagers load ok but some will not-they
>are all white.  One I really need to get on as it is a book club and I
>can't respond to mailings.  Is it because it is a secure site?  what can I
>set differently?  I deleted all cookies and history as Earthlink said it
>might havea corrupt cookie.  Rebooted and still the same effect.  what
>causes this?  Still also have some pages with all white but the little
>blue and white square in the left corner-these seem to be pdf pages.  I
>know it si a simple solution but I odn't have it.  Thanks!!
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