First clear the CMOS and see if that fixes your problem. If clearing the
CMOS did not fix the problem then either the processor, power supply,
motherboard, memory, or video card could be faulty. In some cases when a
power supply or processor dies there is a possibility that it could have
damaged some other computer component such as the motherboard also. But
before you do anything check and make sure you have the FSB speed set
correctly on the motherboard equal to the rated FSB speed of the processor
you purchased. Usually the FSB speed can be configured using a group of pins
on the motherboard designed for this specific task or somewhere in the CMOS
setup. Also make sure everything in the computer is installed and jumpered
properly and there are no foreign metal objects shorting out the

>From: Timothy Phan <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [PCBUILD] Computer Boot-Up Issue
>Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 13:52:19 -0500
>     Hi, I just bought a power supply and a CPU and connected it to my
>computer.  I previuosly built the system myself and it was working fine
>either the CPU or Power Supply burnt out.  that was when I bought another
>Supply and CPU and hooked it up.  When I turn it on, it doesn't bootup and
>instead just says on monitor check signal.  At first, I thought I just
>a faulty power supply because the CD ROM's wouldn't eject.  I then hooked
>power supply to a case fan and the case fan worked too along with the cpu
>so it can't be the power supply.  Now, I'm not sure weather it's the CPU or
>     How long does it take for an AMD Athlon XP to heat up the heatsink
>I left the power on for about 45 seconds, then turned it off but the
>didn't seem to get any warmer.  The Heatsink/CPU Fan are AMD.
>     Do you know what else could be wrong?
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