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In another of those delicious overthrows of conventional wisdom, New
Scientist reports this week that exposure to sunlight (which makes vitamin
D in the skin) actually protects against colon, prostate, breast, and lung
cancer by a factor of four over the increase in skin cancers due to the
exposure.  New Scientist includes a list of the many benefits of vitamin D
and an account of the brilliant epidemiological studies that support the
pro-sunshine exposure side of the argument.

Unfortunately, the article is not on the internet, but is worth the cost
of this week's edition on its own.

However, three other articles make New Scientist a worthwhile buy this
week: one on the galloping incidence of arsenic poisoning from ground
water in India, Argentina and the US - as well as Bangladesh, a second
elaborating on the post I made to the Paleofood list on 2 August about
maternal diet early in pregnancy affecting the late adult health of the
(yet) unborn baby and a third article claiming to give an evolutionary
perspective on obesity - dealing with hunger/satiety and hormones.


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