<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My daughter was diagnosed with CD via biopsies last October.  She was
drinking Lactaid milk at the time, because of lactose intolerance.

After doing great with Lactaid for so long... she suddenly started having
diarrhea from her Lactaid milk about 2 months ago and stopped drinking
milk altogether.

My 1st question:  what can we give her for calcium supplementation besides
yogurt, cheese, calcium fortified OJ, and her prescription vitamin (Poly-
Vi-Flor)?  We tried the Viactiv chews... and they seemed to upset her
stomach too.  She can't swallow pills yet.  We also tried soy milk and
almond breeze... they gave her loose stools too.

My 2nd question:  how would I know if she has a casein problem?  How are
you tested for this?  Does it sound
 like this could be a problem?  She
SEEMS to do fine with all dairy except milk.  Why did she suddenly develop
a problem with Lactaid milk after doing great with it both before and
after diagnosis?

I sure appreciate any suggestions for calcium supplementation and any
insight to casein and how it is diagnosed/discovered in a child.

Thanks in advance,
Dosha in TX

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *