Hello PCBUILD Listers,

I've been cleaning up/turfing some old equipment here at my work and I found a whole slew of some weird media that I've never seen or used before and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with it.  They look like oversized floppy disks (don't confuse them with the iomega 250mb disks), they're much bigger, most show storage capacity at 1.2gb.  They are either DOT brand or 3M brand, 5.25" Rewritable Optical Media Disks (512bytes/sector).  Some appear to be double sided.  Has anyone ever seen this type of media? If so do you know what kind of equipment is necessary to use them?  It seems a shame to throw them out considering the decent storage size they advertise but I don't have any equipment to use them.  From what I can tell from what's written on case of them they were used to hold advertising info, pictures, posters, etc.  Some date back to early to mid 90's.  I would be interesting in finding some equipment that could make use of these high capacity disks if it didn't cost an arm and a leg.  If you know anything about these disks and what it takes to make use of them reply on or off this list.  TIA...rob,wpg

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