On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 19:23:05 -0400, Don Wiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Keith Thomas asked about converting cholesterol numbers.
>To convert into the Americans' units, divide any
>cholesterol type by 0.0259, and TG by 0.0113.
>[log in to unmask] writes:
> > TC   347
> > LDL 239
> > HDL 99
> > VLDL 8
> > TG 41
>So using these factors they become:
>TC   8.99
>LDL  6.19
>HDL  2.56
>VLDL 0.21
>TG   0.46
>Also this formula is useful for American units:
>TC = HDL + LDL + (TG / 5)
>In mrakov's case we get:
>347 = 99 + 239 + (41 / 5)

Thanks, Don.  The Australian and UK standard uses millimols per litre
(mmol/L).  The normal values here for males are:

LDL 2.0-3.4 mmol/L
HDL 0.9-2.0 mmol/L

Now, although there is no suggestion that 'normal' is an indication of
healthiness or anything other than a statistical mean, on this basis
Mrakov's readouts were well outside our 'normal'.

Do you have to hand the US norms for these two key measures?
