Christy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Last night I baked a huge chicken, completely free of antibiotics etc.
>It had enormous fatdeposits under the skin and a guest just couldn't eat
>it. I gnawed my way thru a large amount of meat and felt pretty satisfied.
>This morning I had cold chicken with mayonaise, a favorite of mine, and
>my stomach was definitely not agreeing with it.  All day I feel slightly
>nauseous and only late afternoon when I drank several glasses of
>fruitjuice the feeling is subsiding. Still a bit wobbly on the feet here
>but better.

It's summer here in Sweden. Microbes have a great time. In case you still
live in the Netherlands, I guess you had a mild food poisoning, or in the
 of some raw meat eaters: detox.
