good luck Kyle

>From: "Cleveland, Kyle E." <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List"
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Hey all
>Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 10:29:38 -0400
>I got some particularly bad news yesterday afternoon, so to take my mind
>things I went to the local bookstore that sells publisher overuns and used
>books.  I came across an interesting-looking tome in the "current events"
>section.  The book is called, "Fighting for the Future: Will America
>Triumph?", written by Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, USA (Ret.).  I gotta tell you,
>even though the hardcover was published in 1999, and the foreward of the
>paperback was written only ten days after 11 September, 2001, his analysis
>of the current world-order is incredible.  Virtually every sentence could
>a quotable sound-bite; half the book is prophecy come true.  I don't
>gush about somebody's opinion besides my own, but this guy--who appears to
>be neither hawk nor dove, conservative nor liberal--has got his finger on
>the world's geopolitical pulse like no one I've read before.  If you're
>interested in the world situation (as many of us on this list seem to be),
>find this book!
>Ok, now for the bad news.  About a month or so ago (I think I let Kat know
>around the middle of June) I went to see my physician about a lump on my
>right breast that had been there a while wasn't going away.  The initial
>diagnosis was "gynecomastia" based on an ultrasound and the fact that it
>painful.  Some things have happened in the meantime to warrant further
>investigation, and the tentative results I got yesterday that it is,
>breast cancer.  I see a surgeon tomorrow after a mammogram (NOT looking
>forward to that--the tech I spoke with said that they are very difficult to
>do on men, very painful, and she's only done a couple on men in the
>thousands of mammograms she's performed).  The good news is they think the
>tumor is "encapsulated" and is enclosed in a "sac".  If that's the case,
>there won't likely be any treatment past surgery, and even the surgery will
>not involved cutting the underlying muscle or lumph nodes.  If it's
>to the pectoral muscle underneath, that's a completely different
>So, to those of you who believe in the efficacy of prayer, I'd appreciate
>if you'd shoot a couple up on my behalf.  If not, I could use a "virtual
>hug". LOL!
>I told Laura about it last night.  Since she has to go out-of-town on
>for follow-up treatment of her own cancer-related problems, it was,
>to say, a pretty difficult evening.
>Thanks, y'all.

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