----- Original Message -----
From: "Angela Z Espinoza"
Subject: [PCBUILD] Urgent

Hello everyone I need help I got this message today when I was logging off my computer

The following users are connected to your compuetr Corey Warshaw [\\HOMEPC] what can I do  to fix this
Angela Z Espinoza

You need to disable file and print sharing, and / or install a firewall. Assuming you're running Win9x, you can
disable file / print sharing using the 'network' icon in your control panel. Look for the 'File and Print sharing'
button on the configuration tab and uncheck the options. However, don't do this if you're intentionally sharing. A
better method is to install a personal firewall. There are many to choose from, but Zone Alarm is free and
effective. You can get it here: www.zonelabs.com

Al Thompson

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