hi All, Got too long winded and list rejected my first message so will make this shorter. i operated with local club just outside of orlando, Fl. and used the call of N4EH. Have nothing against orlando club but figured smaller club might need my services more and they did. i operated the only CW station for the full 24 hours and had great time. First field day where had no problem with our other transmitter interfering with CW station. Did run into problem with their logging software which was not the normal ones and impossible to navigate even for sighted people if you wanted to correct an entry. Someone logged for me some of the time and then used my bailler to log for late night stuff and later dictated to someone who wrote it down. Crazy to not have computer setup that is good these days but it worked. Our station got around a thousand contacts on 20 and 40 meters. The club ran four transmitter class and the CW station got approximately 80 percent of all their points. Was nice to be able to contribute. Sure was tired by the end though and glad to see it over. never had problems of people not letting me operate by harder to get in on phone station because more competition i guess.  73, Dave W4CI