Hi Michael and list,

I've been influenced that way too by light dependent hams!  I've since been
able to convince them along with the assistance of another blind ham that
has built amps and such for many years.  I now have a full legal limit 2
3500-z amp sitting here next to me.  Keep on going ahead if you want to or
need to pursue tube gear.  Blind hams have been using it successfully for
many years before solid state gear came along.  It is frustrating but if you
keep pushing forwrd you can do it regardless of the well meaning advice of

Tubes are actually more forgiving than solid state gear but with the right
assistive devices and being careful a blind ham can run tube gear just as
efficiently, safely and enjoyably for many years as any sighted ham!

Brian, k5in.
I don't normally get on the band wagon here with all of the different
threads on this list but this one struck a note with me, having been through
it recently myself!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:08 AM
Subject: RF Apps PT-2000CW Power/SWR meter or Conway tuning aid

> Hi list:
> I'm putting out some feelers for one of those devices mentioned in the
> subject line.
> The building of the Fowle Gimick is not going well and a local fellow ham
> know personally with the technical know how, who can construct such a
> device is more or less giving me a run around and is doing his best to
> persuade me from using tubed equipment.  He says that 20 years or so ago
> there was a need for these devices but with todays solid state technology,
> now there isn't.
> So I'm going to keep on going with out any local advice. <HI HI>
> If anyone is looking for a home for one of the before mentioned devices
> in a month or 2, please drop me a line.
> 73 to all:
> Michael VO1RYN