Eva Hedin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>My problem is I don't any longer live by the sea but in the inland.

In case they don't sell wild salt water fish there, I would look for dried
seaweed, especially kelp. Maybe a health food store or a regular store
there sells it. However, I would be careful with kelp. I think it's
extremely rich in iodine. Too much iodine can give you inflammation of the
thyroid gland. I think it's called hyperthyroidism.

There's iodine in eggs, meat and certain vegetables as well, but not as
much as in salt water fish and seaweed. Dairy is a good source but my
current assumtion is that it isn't paleo. Certain vegetables inhibit the
absorption of iodine, e.g. cabbage.

Sorry if you knew all that.