Hello Kevin and all

I was really pleased to learn that you have realised a good result.
So often I have come across similar scenario, but have found that
conflict isn't the answer, but be patient and the situation will be

I too have had a result.
I mentioned in our interchanges last year on this list that despite
having run my local club's NFD entry for nearly ten years, back biting
was going on.
This year, I hadn't heard of any possible activity for the region 1
field day (which is the first weekend in June), and having had ongoing
back biting from two members in particular, I decided to put in a single
band single operator entry for 40M.

The club, meanwhile, half planned a full blown station with multi

The net result was that they scored 1500 points, had technical problems
and just over 500 contacts.

I had 410 valid contacts and 1281 points.  Of the 24 hours only
operating 18.5 due to bad conditions in the night when I elected to have
a couple of hours of sleep, and packing up early as things were so slow.

One of the criticisms I received was that I had set myself up as a prima
donna in the club, but I think I have scored the victory by actions
speaking louder than signals!!!!!

What about the two antagonists.
One ran the club event, and has now expressed his frustrations about
dealing with the various personalities in the club, and equipment not
working fully in the field, and the lack of challenge due to others not
being competitive.

The other.  Well, I am sorry that he is seriously ill following major
surgery, but ...

the TR logging program worked superbly for me.  I managed to get it
controlling the FT1000MP filters and swapping VFOs.  The only controls I
touched on the rig were the second VFO knob for listening round the band
while sending CQ, and the occasional use of the EDSP.

Regarding transport.  This is a real big one Luke.
Liz was my support for my event in June, but for the 6M contest this
coming weekend I too am reliant on a good friend in the club.  He isn't
a CW operator.  The 2M entry is still not sorted and I am told it won't
be till Thursday.  Oh well, let us see what happens!!!!!!

73 de G3YXX