>     The management of the Miller Brewery said they will have
> additional stock
> and delivery personnel on duty to respond to any emergency shortage
> of refreshments for Field Day.
>      Emergency rooms across the country have stated that they will have
> additional personnel on hand to treat amateurs bitten by insects,
> snakes and
> bears, injured by towers falling, electrocution food poisoning, or
> severe sunburn.
>      National Amateur Radio organizations are considering presenting
> awards
> for the Field Day operations who can calculate their power generation
> costs at less than $2.00/ kWh.
>      This year clubs may qualify for the coveted WATTS Award.
> Recipients are
> required to prove they worked all Telephones, televisions, and toasters.
> Special endorsements are available for groups making neighbor's
> fluorescent lights illuminate without being switched-on.
>     Groups are required to log members name and callsigns who pass
> out from
> excessive alcohol consumption, and who have extended hangovers- (also
> known
> as Brown Bottle Flu.)  Special Event Stations will be organized in
> the name
> of those amateurs who pass away from excessive alcohol consumption at
> Field Day sites.
>     Articles may be submitted to QST detailing the most novel methods
> of extinguishing fuel/generator/ electrical fires during Field Day.
>     Five hundred extra points will be awarded to any club whose
> operation takes a full lightning strike during Field Day.
>      Photo submissions are requested for any ham who is able to
> complete a NORMAL (non-Field Day) QSO during Field Day weekend.
>      Articles are requested about any club which has "caught and
> brought down" a low-flying aircraft with its Field Day towers and
> antennas.
> (Don't know what that means, but the ARRL uses it on every E-mail
> they send me!) ;)