Let me just say WOW Juliann!  You are awesome.  When I read Nancy's email my
mind went blank - what do we eat?  Ha, ha you'd think that would be an easy
one.  You've really provided a great list of information and ideas.

Does anyone incorporate tofu into their diet.  We don't keep vegan, just
dairy free, but I have recently started using tofu and I really like the
results so far.  The first time I tried it I was using a dip recipe from the
Milk Free Kitchen and did not like it at all (probably operated error).  But
now I've used it in tomato sauce for pasta, lasagne, and to make my own dip
all of which turned out very well.  If anyone has any recipes or tips about
using tofu please share I think I'm on the bandwagon.

Nancy, first off congratulations!  Babies are always exciting.  My second is
now 3 and has no allergies (knock on wood).  When I was pregnant with her we
still did not know that dairy was the culprit in my son's health problems so
I only avoided it in asmuch as my lactose intolerance made it necessary.  I
myself have several allergies so I'm fairly certain that my son will develop
more as well.  My husband has none so hopefully our baby girl will be as
healthy as him!  I hope, I hope!

Juliann recommended stuffed cabbage rolls, our family likes those a lot.  I
do recommend if you put rice in them to PRECOOK it.  We like to make
homemade tomato sauces with or without meat - they are extremely versatile
and easy to make and you can freeze them for quick meals.  My next plan is
to experiment making homemade ravioli with tofu instead of that nasty
ricotta cheese (mean, mean, awful stuff).

We also use the pancakes recipe from the Milk-Free kitchen as well as the
waffle recipe - they're great!  Quick to make and store for a couple days as

I've found that a good baked chicken is an easy and hardy meal to make that
usually provides leftovers.  You can season it anyway that you like, bake it
a couple hours and throw in some delicious side dishes.  Sometimes I make
homemade biscuits as well and top them with strawberry jam.

Ok this is turning into a novel.  "The things we eat when we're dairy free."
 Ha, ha!

Nancy, many warm wishes for the remainder of your pregnancy and the baby to be.  Debby