On Mon, 26 May 2003 11:13:46 -0700, Frank Kuan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I've been experimenting with organic wisconsin raw cow
>milk jack and cheddar cheese (forgot brand name) and
>also raw goat milk cheese for about a year. I've been
>consuming maybe about 1lb every two weeks.
>Still not sure if this stuff is good for me. I suspect
>it makes me mucous-y, but it's hard for me to tell
>because nuts, seeds, coconuts, avocados also make me
>somewhat mucous-y.
>One other thing I've notice is that I have noticable
>body odor and smelly farts from cheese, especially
>from goat cheese, whereas when I'm 100% vegan, I have
>almost no b.o. and my shit hardly stinks.
>Any opinions on this? Is raw cheese good or bad?

  Whether raw cheese is good or bad could depend greatly on what cow it came
  Cows are supposed to eat grass; they are often fed grain, an unnatural
diet for a cow.  This causes the cow to have problems with digestion.
  Cows are sometimes fed "protein concentrate".  This is a mixture of cow
parts, road kill, euthanized pets, manure. It is ground and cooked and fed
to the cows. Then people wonder why the cows are not healthy.
  To make the cows produce more milk they are given hormones.  This stresses
them out. And they are already sick from what they eat.
  Then because of their sickness they are given anti-biotics.  Anti-biotics
tend to lose their effectivieness after a while, so they are given more
anti-biotics and different anti-biotics.

  You gonna eat cheese made from these cows?  Probably not, if you are
interested in health.

  On the other hand, cheese made from -healthy- cows might be half-ass okay.
We probably could quibble about "it's not our natural diet", but there are
so many things that are bad for our health that it don't hardly ...

-- Jerry Story