Jerry Story <[log in to unmask]>:
>  A diet is a list of foods and quantities.  There is no mention of a diet,
>only a diet type. "All natural", "all raw", "all vegan" are not enough
>information to do an analysis of the diet.  What this story is supposed to
>be evidence of is not clear to me.
>  There are many nutritional disaster stories; all that I have seen lack
>sufficient detail of information to allow analysis of the diet.  Therefore I
>dismiss them as worthless.

It is true that the story did not describe the diet in detail. It
is also true that a parent must be irrational, insane, or a
deluded "true believer" before they starve their child in the
service of (raw) dietary ideology. Furthermore, constant denial is
required for one to persist as a true believer in what is obviously
a false dietary pseudo-religion.

Yet another child has died on a raw diet and already the rationalizations
and excuses have begun. I'm not surprised.

Tom Billings