Hey all!

I'd like to build another PC.  I'm trying to decide just what is the way I should go on it.  I'm considering creating a case rather than buy & use a standard PC case.

I like the EPIA M10000 for all it has onboard, but hate to lose the AGP slot.

I'd like opinions on a decent motherboard which takes 2100DDR memory (I have this onhand).  Would like at least 266 fsb, onboard vid, sound, LAN, modem, USB 2.0.  An AGP slot of at least 4X.

Best case scenario has a built in processor or a good deal on a bundle (board/CPU/heatsink-fan).

I realize that there are many, many places to reference these various motherboards, but I was hoping for some personal opinions from you folks...

Thanks for any input & ideas,

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