Dear Nancy,

Congratulations on the impending bundle of joy!

The best place for you to start for meal ideas is the Food Allergy &
Anaphalaxis Network. Their cookbooks are definitely to be recommended
(follow the link below). I have both Volume 1 and 2 of their cookbooks (and
am ordering the inserts for the lastest years) and use them almost daily!
They have recipes for every conceivable occasion, and I even get to eat
Chocolate Cake!

The really great thing is that at the top of each recipe, it lists what
allergies it's safe for (with a little index in the front to see what the
abbreviations mean), i.e. M, S, Y, E, W= Milk, Soy, Yeast, Egg, Wheat.

That should give you a lot of ideas and you can fill in with other things
you know are safe as time goes on. I was actually pleasantly surprised to
find that there were things I thought I couldn't have that I was able to
make with only minor substitutions.

Good luck, and let us know how it's going.


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