By the way list hosting and contributors, I hope you all had a good
memorial day!

And I hope that the VE guys enjoyed Victoria Day!

Here, I enjoyed the CQ WPX contest using the TS2000 from my /p location
but was frustrated by the lack of filter and VFO control from the front
panel, FH-1 keypad and contest logging program.

73 again from G3YXX

In message <[log in to unmask]>, Nathan, Kevin
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi David,
>It looks more and more like I'm up for it.  To you and all I would say that
>this will probably be a somewhat longer term project going into late June
>since I'm out of town the first two weeks in June on different assignments
>and will not have time to concentrate on something like this until after I
>get back.
>Sorry to all who are wanting a copy.  When I have it done, I will let the
>list know and then anyone who wants one can mail me privately to get it.
>Take care and very 73.
>Kevin, K7RX
>Kevin Nathan, Independent Living Coordinator
>Dept. of Services for the Blind
>3411 S. Alaska
>Seattle, Wa 98118
>Voice:  (206) 721-6450
>Cell:  (206) 604-4767
>Toll Free:  (800) 552-7103
>Fax:  (206) 721-6403
>Email:  [log in to unmask]

David W Wood