Gigabyte's site says the two on your rear panel are USB 2.0
and there are connectors on the MB for both 1.1 and 2.0.
Rear panel:
2 x USB 2.0 ports
1 x 2ports USB 1.1 connector (by cable with rear USB bracket)
2 x 2ports USB 2.0 connector (by cable with rear USB bracket)

Yes, you should consider changing because 2.0 is soooo much faster.
You may need an upgraded cable and outlets on the front of the case,
see the FAQ's for details on that issue.
It also mentions a VIA USB 2.0 driver which you may need to install.
(W98 does not support USB2.0 without "outside help" of some kind.)

>The motherboard in my own pc is a Gigabyte 7VRXP.  It was a better than
>average board when I bought it a year or so back, being a full-size ATX with
>two extra RAID\ATA\IDE sockets and a few other feautures.  It also supports
>eight USB ports.
>Two of these USB ports are on the back panel, alongside the PS2 sockets, and
>are regular USB outlets.
>There are two more pin\sockets on the motherboard, which I've connected by
>cables to ports on the front of the case, and these are also normal USB.
>But the motherboard also sports two more USB sockets, containing four sets
>of pins.  These sockets are orange in color and marked USB 2.0.
>My query is this:  Is there any reason why I shouldn't disconnect the cables
>from the regular USB sockets on the motherboard, and re-connect them to the
>USB 2.0 sockets, which will make my two outlets on the front of the case USB
>(It sounds too simple - there must be a catch :--))
>Ian Porter
>Computer Guys Inc.
>New Zealand
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