
Regarding Todd's post:
Date:    Tue, 22 Apr 2003 10:08:48 -0400
From:    Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Weight loss, delurking


Basically, the update is this.  Sometime in November I decided to modify
things a bit.  I relaxed the paleo restrictions, keeping carbs low,
50g/day or less.  And I worked on keeping calories down.  Result:
between Thanksgiving and Christmas, while the rest of the world was
gaining weight, I dropped 25 lbs. and have kept it off without undue stress.

The "without undue stress" part has been the key, I believe.  As I had
written on other occasions, the paleo-purist approach was getting to me,
mentally, and causing me to have a weird kind of eating disorder, a sort
of "rejectionist" attitude toward food.  I musn't eat this; I can't eat
that; this isn't paleo; etc.  As a result, I wasn't really enjoying
eating very much, and when I would trip up and go off the diet, I'd
binge for a while, gain weight, and feel crappy about myself.  Through
this cycle, my weight was creeping up.


Todd-- thanks for the update. Over the past several years, many individuals
have posted messages akin to yours (including me).  In my case, that I allow
myself to eat anything actually leads to me to eat very little junk food and
to approximate a paleo diet very much akin to Cordain's recommendations.

For a few people, like Ray Audette and celiacs, pure paleo seems the only
good dietary route.  For most people, however, taking steps toward paleo,
feeding their themselves a good meal when really hungry, exercising,
enjoying life, and not being a slave to a diet is the way to go (at least,
in my experience).  You look good ... and if you're blood pressure is
normal, then I wouldn't worry about a thing.


