The paragraph below caught my eye as it raised an issue I had been considering.  Has anyone considered the economic impact of any significant shift toward paleo by a large number of persons in the developed world?  During one of the things I heard about Dr. Atkins' death, there was a report that sales of bacon and eggs had increased significantly in recent years.  For science fiction fans, Hominids by Robert Sawyer does a little peeking along these lines.

Bronwen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:US Sugar Industry Threathens World Health Organization Over New Healthy
Eating Guidelines

The Sugar Association objects to the new report having been
published in draft on the WHO's website for consultation purposes, without
what it considers "a broad external peer-review process". It wants a full
economic analysis of the impact of the recommendations on all 192 member
countries. In the letter to Dr Brundtland, it demands that Wednesday's joint
launch with the Food and Agriculture Organization be cancelled.

Dave Shearon
Nashville, TN
"Quality Learning Through Quality Work"

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