I wished to do a clean reinstall of Win 98 on my HDD (30GB IBM Deskstar )which was filling up so I backed up data and formatted the disk and used FDISK to create a single active partition.I booted from a Win 98 boot floppy and attempted to install the OS and got the message that 'Windows can not detect a hard drive and installation can not continue.' The boot screen showed the LS120( SuperDrive) as the Primary Drive.
The BIOS does not detect the HDD. I tried every option in CMOS; set 'Auto  Detect'and finally opted for 'safe configuration'.I checked every setting in the BIOS which I thought relevant.
I ran a Drive Fitness test from IBM which came up with 'Faulty Component in Hard Drive'. I changed the HDD for a WD 80 GB disk which resulted in exactly the same situation. Still the BIOS is not detecting the driv
e ( set to auto ) the manual options in CMOS are 'grayed out' so it is not possible to enter details manually.
I disconnected the LS120 drive in an attempt to force the BIOS to auto detect the new drive but still no success. The HDD activity light is frequently lit and on starting I can hear the drive spinning up.
I am mystified - is the BIOS defective ? It was OK before I decided to format the original disk. The only thing I have not done is to run any sort of install program on the Western Digital drive. I have downloaded the Data Lifeguard program from the WD site but I was reluctant to run it because of the BIOS refusal to detect the new drive.
My system is an Abit KA7-100 m/b running a 700mhz Athlon.
I should be most grateful for any advice before I tear all my hair out !
Den Regan

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