I have a Creative Labs CD-RW 8439e that behaves strange and wonder if anyone
has had similar experiences or come across a cure.  It can read and write to
rewritable media fine but it has trouble reading write once media.  If the
machine is cool and unused for awhile it can read and write, but after it
warms up a bit, it either can`t finalize the disk or, if it can finish
making a music CD, the last couple of tracks of music are too terrible to
listen too.  Rewritable disks are made just fine!  Another strange thing...
my DVD player (connected to the TV in another room) is supposed to be able
to play MP3 music files.  It does not play those created on regular media,
only on rewritable.  My regular stereo CD player will play my recorded CDs
but not the DVD, just the rewritable ones.  Back to the Creative Labs 8439e,
after the machine warms up (2-3 minutes) it will not read regular media and,
if left in the tray longer than 2 minutes, the device will not respond at
all.  The system temperature is fine and there is no other device nearby to
cause a heat problem.  I am using a Soyo 6VBA133 with 256 Ram, PII 350,
NVIDIA TNT2 video, 2 case fans in a dual boot WIN 98SE and XP Pro.  Yes,
this happens equally with both operating systems.

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