Don't know if this is common or not, but I seem to get sinus infections
(leading to sinus headaches so severe I can't stand up) and yeast
infections from eating dairy products. Does anyone else have these
symptoms? The reading that I've done leads me to believe it is not a
lactose allergy, but a milk allergy.

A little background:
When I was 21 months old I had a double-inteceception (my intestines
closed like a telescope and it required surgery). Adhesions at that site
at age 16 and again at age 18 required 2 additional intestinal
operations. As a result, my intestines are shorter than most, and
therefore do not process things as they should.

After I got married and we were trying to conceive, I had 5
miscarriages. All at 10-12 weeks. Don't know if this is related to dairy
or not, but keep reading and it links in... I think. At that time I had
almost constant yeast and sinus infections. I finally consulted a
nutritionist and she suggested a macrobiotic diet. No sugar, dairy,
caffeine, or alcohol for 6 months (along with 50 various vitamin
supplements per day! Well, I did it and within a week, the sinus and
yeast infections were gone! After 6 months I went off the diet and
within 3 days was pregnant. My daughter Cara turned 8 last month!

During her first 2 years, we tried several more times to conceive. With
3 more miscarriages as the result. I went back on the diet, albeit a
modified version, because there were no more sinus or yeast infections.
Veronica is now 5!

As most women, I am "addicted" to chocolate. So every once in a while I
slip and have a little piece. But I pay for it within 12 hours! I have
recently discovered several chocolate recipes that don't contain dairy,
if anyone is interested.

Now, back to the original question: Does anyone know of a link between
sinus and yeast infections and dairy?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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