On 22 Apr 2003 at 18:04, Ams Jallow wrote:

> The Cuban Ambassador claimed that many Gambian villages,
> which have been without doctors in the past, now have the attention of the Cuban
> medical personnel who are working "within and for the communities. This is
> social medicine at its most effective best".

Currently, Kuntaur health Center is without any doctor because the Cuban
doctors left for the simple reason that there was no electricity there. This is
first hand knowledge because I have been there and spoke to the Gambian nurses
who are trying their best to keep the health facility running. Work is being
done to expand the Center at the moment but the excuse that the doctors left
because of lack of electricity is almost unbelievable.

Since most villages are without electricity then I wonder what the Ambassador
would say about the the departure of these Cuban doctors from Health Center due
to the lack of electricity?

Momodou Camara

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