Hi Ken,

  Are you lookling to buy one one - then lok up hot tubs or home spa's. If
yiou are looking for public ones, Gold's Gym and places like have them -
also here the county has rec centers and the ones that have pools also have
hot tubs.


> are hot pools hard to find? i was trying to find a place with at least
> some
> heat involved. here, as big as atlanta is, i did not find one. maybe i
> don't
> know how to conduct the search.
> ken, with my hands swollen today.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cleveland, Kyle E.
> To: Sent: 4/21/2003 7:44 PM
> Subject: Re: News
> Oh yeah, yeah, I remember that now.  I'm one of those folks who can't
> stand
> light touch--get all spasmy.  Especially if I'm touched lightly more
> that
> once--like massaging with a feather.  That would drive me absolutely
> nuts!
> All those synapses firing probably sound like crickets on a hot summer
> night.
> I have been going back to the "hot" pool for stretching.  That's been
> helping.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Magenta Raine [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 6:22 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: News
> No, no, no, Feldenkrais is the one where the touch is supposed to be as
> light
> as butter or a feather. I think you're thinking of Rolfing.  One web
> site
> that I know lists Feldenkrais teachers is; <A
> HREF="www.Feldenkrais.com">www.Feldenkrais.com</A>
> They also explain the idea behind the method.  Feldenkrais retrains your
> nervous system, it can teach you easier ways to move, in a very gentle
> way.
> mag
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I am available to do writing, editing, reporting, designing jobs,
> including
> business cards, etc. I am also a disability rights activist.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~