Hello Tabetha,
You had emailed me back in August and kindly volunteered to fax me your
stats on number of students with disabilities enrolled in your institution
from 1988 and 1999. Can you fax those to me now? And if you have them for
2000 that would be great.

Thank you so much for your help,

Terri Hedgpeth
Disability Specialist
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-3202
(480) 965-1232 Voice
(480) 965-0441 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: tabitha buggie-hunt [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 12:18 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: postsecondary stats on disability

Are you on the DSSHE listserv? The people from there would probably be able
to lead you in the right direction.

I have stats from State University of New York with the numbers from
1980-1989 and I could fax you the numbers for 1999 from each of the SUNY
schools.  If you would like this, give me your fax #. If you don't have a
fax, I could copy them and send them to you.

Hope this is helpful.

At 11:51 AM 8/6/02 -0700, you wrote:

Hello all,
I've been lurking and haven't written to the list in a while. I have a big
favor to ask of you. I am working on my dissertation and am in desperate
need of some stats. Can any one provide me with number of students with
disabilities your institution served in 1990 and number served in 2001-02?
Please help me out. I have noticed a general increase in the numbers but
haven't been to substantiate this. If you don't have this info please feel
free to forward this to anyone who might be able to provide the info. Data
from your annual reports would be perfect for this.
