<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I just discovered an excellent website for information on the latest
research on autoimmune disease and tolerance.  This is the type of research
that could lead to methods to treat CD and other autoimmune diseases.  The
Immune Tolerance Network (ITN) website has a "Public/Patient" area and
a "Researcher" area.  Visit the "Researcher Area" for links to the latest
research studies, articles, etc.  The website also has links to online
immunology educational sites and more.


"The Immune Tolerance Network is a collaborative effort that solicits,
develops, implements and assesses clinical strategies and biological assays
for the purpose of inducing, maintaining and monitoring tolerance in humans
for kid
ney, liver and islet transplantation, autoimmune diseases and
allergy & asthma.

The ITN is unlike any other medical and scientific research organization.
The ITN story began approximately two years ago when the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) convened special committees of
experts to devise a new way of advancing basic immune tolerance research to
the clinic. The result was a strategy to bring together top experts from a
broad range of disciplines from around the world to attack the problem as a
team. They would be experts in diabetes, lupus, asthma, kidney
transplantation, allergic conditions and more. They would be physicians,
clinical research scientists, technical specialists, and basic scientists.
Together, their ideas and experiences would melt into a single, focused
plan to bring immune tolerance therapies to people living with diseases and
conditions rooted in th
e immune system. The new, large-scale approach to
medical research designed to attack the problem from every possible angle.

The inaugural meeting of the ITN took place in Chicago during the week of
October 11, 1999."

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