"debby, how does it work in baking? can you use it in recipes where you =
might use whip cream (like a chocolate mousse), or whipping cream, or have =
you tried that?"

I've used the Rich's Whip to make a dairy free chocolate cream pie, also
using Silk chocolate milk.  I thought the chocolate pie turned out great but
the Rich's Whip was too "rich" (ha, ha) for me and the color was a bit off,
so it was quite obvious.  I could see it working well in a chocolate mousse,
but have not tried it.  That stuff is on the pricey side and since I wasn't
all that impressed with it, I haven't done any experimenting.  I like sweets
 but not really sweet sweets if that makes sense, so you should take that
into account with my opinion.  If you like things really rich and sweet, I
think you should definitely try it out!
