Hi Carol,

On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 14:05:11 -0800, Carol <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>No, that's not what I meant.  I thought you were saying that the most
>logical way to search for optimum health for oneself is to observe
>only what works best for oneself, that observation of others is
>irrelevant.  I just wanted to say that there is great value (and
>logic) in also looking at other people, because looking at others'
>lives gives you a perspective that you just can't get on your own life
>until it's over (or nearly so).  The rest of your response makes
>perfect sense to me, and I think we actually agree.  It was just that
>your original statement implied, to my initial reading of it, a much
>narrower belief than you actually hold. :)

Thanks for clarifying. I have learned much from studying other people and
their experiences, regarding health and various other issues. Life is about
learning. I have learned a lot, but I won't make a claim to having learned
everything and thus having all the answers. There's much to learn from
others' experiences, so, it helps to be observant, open-minded, and
discerning. Ultimately, each person must decide for themselves what they
feel is best for them to do, based on personal experience and finding what
works best for oneself.

Have a good one,
