
The answer to your questions is yes. I just checked the USDA Database, and
the relevant numbers you're looking for is: "18:3 undifferentiated  g
18.122". I see that their numbers are a bit different than what Udo Erasmus
indicates, but of course the nutritional profile varies per seed batch, and
it also varies per type of flax seed. For example, I read that golden flax
contains more ALNA than brown flax.

The USDA Database gives an "average" nutritional profile for various foods.
But as we know, the nutritional profile can and does often vary dramatically
from one food to the next (especially with vitamin and mineral content), due
to a number of factors.


On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 17:14:32 -0500, Jerry Story <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Question:  Does flaxseed really have all that much omega-3?  What is
>omega-3?  Is it alpha linolenic acid?  Why is DMAK getting zero for alpha
>linolenic?  Is this a bug in the program?  Shouldn't the alpha and and gamma
>add up?
>(To find flaxseed in USDA data, type "seeds" and get seeds,flaxseed)