Is it possible you have  a video card that is loose or loosing connection?
Maybe the onboard cable is loose?  For the 1st type, remove the board and
inspect it for dirt and dust and use a pencil eraser (a clean one!) to
gently  clean the edge that mounts to the motherboard, being carefull not to
leave erasure dust.  The second type, just remove  the cable and reinsert it
snuggly into the motherboard.  I live in a climate where parts get extremely
soiled from humidity and salt and this happens alot!  You might try this
with the memnory sticks too, some machines do not sound the interior speaker
when  there is a memory problem with onboard video.  The onboard video uses
the memory chip (usually in the first slot) and if it is loose or not making
a good connection you will get your results too.
Howard Rubin
Gortaleza, Brazil

Date:    Tue, 4 Feb 2003 11:25:53 -0500
From:    "Richard F. Bolha" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Bootup problems

I have a unit that will normally boot after 1 to 8 attempts.
Sometimes it will boot ok. Other times it powers up and will not
send a signal to the monitor. Anyone seen this? The hard drive
works fine and checks out ok. Norton says it is virus free. Give me
some ideas.

Richard F. Bolha

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