On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:55:26 -0700, Lynnet Bannion <[log in to unmask]>

 >And as far as "insanity" goes, most of the world is insane right now as
 >regards overutilization of fish.  One after another fish stock has
 >collapsed; we are eating lower and lower on the oceanic food chain.  Yet
 >the factory ships go out in their thousands every day to vacuum up more of
 >the ocean. This Is Insane!

Sorry to disagree, but I don't regard this as insanity. I consider it as
egocentrism. But I'm not an angel myself. I contribute to this extinction
by consuming part of the haul. Maybe I should donate some of my income to
the restoration of the ocean ecosystem. Maybe there's something else I can
