> I have been trying hard to purchase free range/wild/grass fed meats,eggs,
 > fish and poultry.  Any one else have this difficulty?
 > Alex

I suggest  you keep looking locally.  A freezer would be a worthwhile
investment.  Where are you located?  Search in Google on Grass-fed - check
out web-site:  www.eatwild.com.  Are you near Minnesota?   About 4 years ago
we bought a farm and begin raising grass-fed/finished livestock.  We sell
pork, beef, and lamb direct - have our own USDA label.  We are located in
north central Minnesota.  We make periodic deliveries to the Twin Cities
(Mpls./St. Paul) metro area.  Our web-site is at:  www.haycreek.net.

Keep checking for local sources - there should be lots of them out there!