Sometimes I eat raisins and dates and I've noticed that if I eat too many
of them at once I get chest pains. The same thing happens when I eat too
much honey. Once, after going paleo, I ate a whole bottle of liquid
tropical honey from Argentina.:) After about ten minutes I was rolling
around in bed and moaning. The pain in my chest was terrible. I knew the
pain would stop sooner or later because I had experienced similar pain
before after eating honey and it had alwas disappeared after a while, so I
laughed a bit at my stupidity at the same time. Half an hour later the pain
disappeared as fast as it had appeared. After that I've eaten honey only
once. I only took a spoonful. I dared not to take more.

I didn't have any problems with honey before going paleo. I used to eat it
on top of slices of whea
tbread and sometimes I ate a lot of these things.

Does anyone have an explanation to all this? What was going on in my body?
I have a vague idea that it has to do something with liver and thiamin. I
don't know.
