> I really hope I'm not the only one on this list who
 > avoids them. I need support! If I'm alone then convince me that I'm wrong,
 > convince me that I should take some pills. :(

i don't either and i share your prudence on the same ground than you , I
don't understand nor take supplements in isolation , the most balnced way to
take them is to eat them as food . If the food inatke doesn't take in
accompt the need for all nutrients , the correction need to be adressed
because of addison disease i have certainly a need for high dose of vit c
( the adrenal  gland is the tissue with the highest cocentration of vit
c )so i make effort to eat it in the form of fresh fruits and greens ,rose
hips , cranberries ....
something that i never understood for ex is how a so fragile vit as C can
"survive " the pill processing considering that even in a fresh food that is
stored few days the vit c content goes down .