> Non-saleable fat is all waste for the producer.  so much work has gone into
 > cattle-breeding to 'fix' this problem, eg:
 > Piedmontese has proven to be the one carcass breed to effectively trim the
 > fat from a cattle operation.  Today's cattleman cannot afford the expense of
 > fat, and must recognize the preferences shown by today's "fat conscious"
 > consumer.  However, eating quality can become a concern with ultra-lean
 > beef, with the notable exception of Piedmontese-sired beef.
 > http://www.montanarange.com/history_north_amer.html

yes they try to resolve this waste( apparent fats and bones ) by breeding
but they still look for a juicy steack ( meaning marbled ) with less
apparent fats . this apparent fat is still seen as an indesirable
consequence of bigger muscles( with fats in between muscles fibers ) .the
farmer is trying to give the least amount of food for the maximum weight of
carcass .
it is still better economically for the farmer to produce a heavier animal
even if some part of the extra weight will have to be trimed as apparent
fats .
the economical logic is working against quality that is as in wild animals
very lean muscles with a good amount of extra muscular fats on a heavy bone
structure ( the bones of domestic animal are very much less dense )
the farmer that supply me with highland cattle had to go grain finish
because its customers were complaining about the unpalatability of the meat
when they were purelly grass fed . I am left alone  wanting him to do grass
fed only .( with me there is no waste i eat everything on an animal so am
not attached to big muscles )