krosenth <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
 >From: "Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry" <[log in to unmask]>
 >. In my case , at time,  i can drink sea water straight with delight
 >Did early humans do this?  If they lived near the sea, they must have done
 >this part of the time....

I don't know anything about the salt eating habits of early humans but my
mothers dog sometimes drinks seawater. Her house is no more than 5 meters
from the coast.

I try to avoid salting my food. Instead I sometimes drink and enjoy
saltwater that I've made myself by mixing seasalt from local health store
with filtered tap wat
er. I've had the thought of drinking seawater directly
from some clean area but I haven't done it so far.

I've read a lot of messages about salt on this list but haven't come to any
conclusion yet whether it is healthy or not to consume it. So I follow my
