> I just read Jim's great post (from about two weeks ago), Fasting and the
 > Ketogenic Kickstart, and I'm thinking of trying a fast myself.  I've never
 > fasted before, though, and I'm feeling a
little cautious, wondering what side
 > effects I might experience.


Two points argue against at ketogenic fast while attempting something as
demanding as law school.

1) Glucose is brain food.  Although your body can manufacture what it needs,
some people find there's an extra need for carbs when in engaged in
intellectually demanding pursuits (insert lawyer joke here);
2) Low blood sugar triggers cortisol and other stress hormones.  Most people
find law school stressful enough as it is.

I dropped 40 lbs in my first year of law school on a moderate-to-low carb
diet.  I did it with lots of walking and some weight-lifting.  Exercise
moderates stress.

That said, this list is proof enough that "different strokes for different
folks" is the rule rather than the exception.
