Hi, I'm new to this list and new to Paleo eating - have only been at it
a little over a week. I'm following Cordain's Paleo Diet, and trying to
process all the reasons for foods being included and not. I'm finding it
easier than expected to eat this way, and have energy like I haven't had
in years. Giving up grains, legumes and dairy was no problem at all, and I'm
weaning myself more gradually off caffeine and salt.

So now my question. Why isn't vinegar ok? Unlike most of the foods he
mentions, Cordain doesn't give a reason on this, just offers some substitutes.
I know some commercial kinds have salt added, but I imagine you can make it
with out salt. This isn't a big deal, but I love spinach with a dash of
vinegar, and eat it 3 or 4 times a week. So, I'd at least like to know what
harm, if any, vinegar might cause.

Thanks for your comments.
