Thanks for your input.

My diet is certainly not short of an vitamins except vit D and K. My intake of
all other vitamins including vit A and folate is way over the RDA. All my
minerals are more than covered too, except for calcium which is low. But that
is on puropse. I need a high potassium and magnesium diet. I can't take
supplements (binders and fillers) or alcohol due to my condition. I eat fish
more than daily, and liver, although I hate it, I make myself eat once a week.
Haggis can be full of additives so I would not eat it unless I made it myself.
I need to keep my blood thin due to stroke risk and cannot take any additives
or MSG due to AF and unknown seizures. I eat this way to stop this happening.
Not just because I want to follow a paleo diet. I am sure paleo's ate olives.
If you wanted me to eat a diet exclusive to where I live then it would not be
possible. Due to climate change, sea change and the animal that once roamed.
But then even the apples they ate would not have been those nice juicy ones we
get to day. I do the best I can with what is available. As I am sure we all


Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 08:35:01 +1000
From: Phosphor <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: low basal temperature and weight drop

doesnt sound like 5,000 calories. maybe 3000? eating a lot of fruit is crazy
in cold winter climate [look to chinese medicine or explanation there].
none of your ancestors ate olives, oranges, coconut, carrot, broccoli. too
many carbs and too many phenols.
not enough animal fat. way short of vitamin A and D, iron, b12, folate. take
supplements if u cant eat liver and kidney [or haggis].
eat more fatty meat and fish. and drink more alcohol !
