> >Craving for salt (sodium chloride) is a symptom of underfunctioning
 > >adrenals.>  Is there a food that you should eat more of then?

i have no  functionning adrenal cortex and the symptoms are among many
others , wasting sodium .so eating lot of sodium rich foods like celery are
helpfull to replenish the sodium . In my case , at time,  i can drink sea
water straight with delight . licorice roots have a  molecule who perform a
similar function than aldosterone in the body ( aldo sterone is one of the
steroid hormones  produced by adrenal cortex ) Peoples in my condition can
go by without supplementing with aldosterone by eating licorice regularly.
green fresh juice is very helpfull to me to remineralise my blood when i am
starting to dehydrate from waisting sodium , especially wild greens that i
presume rich in sodium .