Thomas wrote:
 >>> And yes, it's a separate issue.  Low-carb is diuretic, high
 >>> protein is diuretic, and low-carb + high protein =3D very diuretic.
 >Funny, I have been on a low carb, high protein diet for 18 months, and
 >have not dried up and mummified yet...

Perhaps not, but a whole lotta folks who are on low-carb,
high-protein diets (like me!) need to make sure they take regular
magnesium and potassium supplements, or they find that they are
prone to leg cramps.  That's because the water fleeing from their
tissues have thrown the sodium/potassium balance of their cells
out of whack.  for me, the supps aren't enough; I'm only able to
avoid cramps completely by staying well hydrated.

.:. Craig