>From: Ken Follett <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: "\"Let us not speak foul in folly!\" - ]<en Phollit"
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: IPTW 2003 Call for Demonstrators and Presenters
>Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 14:19:19 EST
>I would like to give a demonstration on how to give a demonstration.
>Nick: Seriously? I brought this up at our recent meeting, the need for a
>demonstration on demonstrations. We have a policy of whomever brings up a
>need has to take care of their own suggestion. I think I was asked if I
>volunteer to demonstrate on myself. Besides, I'm now known as the official
>"disseminator". Problem is they won't let me change my clothes, though we
>will have a mud pit, I think. Officially there will be no drinking of beer
>I'm not sure why there will be so many beer tents and what all the kegs are
>for. Possibly one of my fellow disseminators will be able to clarify the
>point back channel. I suggested we hold a Yokel Ono bed-in, "We won't get
>of bed until all of the developers are hung and the old buildings are
>satisfied!" There is always room for two or one more. Let me know if you
>volunteering. I'd rather spend my time working on a business session,
>"Dilbert and the 36 Strategems". ][<en


I was kind of joking but I could see it working. My problem is that I am
here and it is tough to come back. When would IPTW be this year?


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